Tenneh K. - 5 of 0 Shares Sponsored

Tenneh K.

Age 15

Tenneh is 12 years old. She came into our care after she was orphaned due to the Ebola outbreak. 

She is loud, energetic and a total girly girl. Her sister, Famata K., is also a Princess Promise girl. They share a special bond!

Tenneh is a Christian. Her favorite biblical line is Jeremiah 1:8 and the Adam and Eve story. Tenneh is actively involved with Love One Another Baptist Church.

Tenneh is a competitive stone ball player. She helps with laundry at home and her favorite color is yellow.

She wants to be a lawyer one day and her two favorite subjects are mathematics and Religious Moral Education. 

Tenneh is a special girl! We believe she can achieve all of her dreams one day.